美國鮪罐概況美國當地罐頭製造商能選擇以較低價格買進進口原料,因不願以高價收購國產水產品,因此以曳繩釣捕獲長鰭鮪的美國漁民不再依賴當租房子地鮪罐廠通路銷售漁獲,而轉向以歐盟買主為對象。去年美國西岸的總漁獲量逾13,000公噸,現僅1%回銷當地罐頭廠(2006年為39%);46%銷往歐盟酒店經紀罐頭製造廠;53%銷往國內非罐頭市場作為生鮮/冷凍水產品。其中歐盟市場及西班牙罐頭製造商大量購買美國長鰭鮪,彌補西班牙船隊漁獲供應缺口烤肉。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 13/2011,15 July 2011)USA: The US troll albacore fishermen are no longer depending on local 租辦公室tuna canneries to sell their catches and instead areselling more fish to the EU canners and to the domestic non-canned market 訂做禮服segment. From the total catches of slightlyover 13000 MT in the West Coast last year, only around 1% went to the local canneries, 節能燈具a decline from 39% in 2006,while the bulk (46%) was shipped to the EU canneries. The rest (53%) was sold to the local market as 會場佈置fresh/frozenproducts. Reportedly, local canners could not pay the premium price as they have cheaper sources through imports. In 租屋網theEU market, Spanish canners are the main buyers of US troll-caught albacore which basically fills in the supply gap left by 貸款Spanish fishing vessels.

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